
Integer (unique-selector-number)

Not specified


The <selector-name> parameter is a selector name that matches the value of the selector property of the JadeLog class, to enable or disable the output of trace text or binary messages to a file for logging. (For more details, see Chapter 1 of the Encyclopaedia of Classes.)

If a parameter set to a non-zero value has the same name as the value of the JadeLog class selector property when the application starts up, trace messages are output to the log file.

If a parameter with a corresponding name as the JadeLog class selector property is located in the Jade initialization file when the application starts up but it is set to zero (0) or it does not have a numeric value, tracing is disabled.

Parameter is read when …

Immediately. This value will be seen by any JadeLog instances that are created after the value has been defined and the Jade initialization file saved.


The value of the selector property and this initialization file parameter are case‑insensitive.

You can specify more than one <selector-name> parameter to specify that the output of trace messages is enabled in several applications concurrently, if required.